【英音模仿秀】电影配乐的魅力 谁能抗拒(在线收听

模仿文本:Martin Scorsese's film are also celebrated for the selection of pre-existing or found music often popular music. "The Wolf of Wall Street" for example, rampages through tracks from Bo Diddley to the Foo Fighters, while some film scores compile, others sample or employ variations on a theme. We asked Neil Brand to look at the history of found music in film.
译文:马丁·斯科塞斯的电影也因其中的音乐-往往是流行音乐-备受赞扬,不管是本来就有的或是为其创作的。以 “华尔街之狼”为例,通过来自Bo Diddley和Foo Fighters(喷火战机乐队)的音乐表达暴怒,而对其他样例的主题采用编曲。我们采访了尼尔·布兰德,来探讨影片中创作乐曲的历史。