
❤ 模仿文本:Twitter is part of many people's lives. It's an instant purveyor of news and opinion for millions all around the world. But is it actually a profitable business? Well that's the key question as it gets ready to launch on the stock market. In fact the truth right now is it isn't making a profit. In fact, it made a loss of $69 million in the first six months of the year. So what're its financial prospects? What have we learned about how the Twitter business works? I asked the BBC technology correspondent Mark Gregory.
❤ 译文:Twitter是很多人生活的一部分,它能瞬时将消息和观点传递给全球上百万用户,但是Twitter真的赚钱么?Twitter既然准备上市,那这就成了关键问题了。事实上,Twitter现在不仅不赚钱,今年上半年还亏了6900万美元。那么Twitter的经济前景如何呢?我们又了解到了哪些关于Twitter运营方面的消息呢?BBC科技记者Mark Gregory带来报道。