
❤ 模仿文本:When it comes to drinking, I can take it or leave it. I can easily go for a night out and not touch the source. And I'm not alone. A new variety of non-alcoholic bars are popping up across the country to provide an alternative to pub drinking. One of them is The Brink which opened in Liverpool in 2011. And so I had a little wander down Parr Street to take a look.
❤ 译文:对于酒,我是喝不喝都可以的。我晚上出去玩可以很轻易地保证不沾酒。而且还有很多人也这样。最近英国各处出现了很多不提供酒精饮料的酒吧,其中一个就是于2011年开张的利物浦“边缘酒吧”。沿着Parr街走下去,我要去见识一下这个酒吧。