英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1031 - 晒娃要考虑娃的隐私吗?(在线收听

Topic1-Official report says china becomes an upper middle income country
A recently published economic blue book says that China has entered the club of an upper middle income country. It's got many citizens asking the question, how come I don't feel my life is any close to the notion of "upper middle income"?
What's going on?
Topic2-Showing off kids on social media may leak kids' privacy
On social media, people show off the food they eat, the vacation they take. And for parents of course the kids they create.
But now, the generation of social media natives is rising up against mom and dad. Is it the parent's right to show off or the kid's right to privacy? Who should win this digital or social war?
Topic3-Living with "planned obsolescence"
We've all experienced the irritation of a much-loved dress or top shrinking in the wash, coming apart at the seams or fraying at the hem. Researches indicates that this is due to "planned obsolescence"- a sneaky trick to design garments to wear out, lose shape or fall to pieces easily, therefore consumers will have to buy replacements.
And this happens not only in fashion & design market, our home appliances, tech-products --almost every aspect of our life.
So what is "Planned obsolescence"? How to deal with it?       