【英音模仿秀】欧美愁云惨雾 全球凄风苦雨(在线收听

模仿文本: Unless a deal is struck by the 31st of December American tax breaks dating from the Bush presidency will be dropped and a series of draconian spending cuts imposed and many are afraid that a recession lies at the bottom of that fiscal cliff. The US, Ms Lagarde said, must act now to avoid it.
译文: 除非美国在12月31日前,敲定协议终止始于布什政府的减税措施,且实施严厉的支出削减措施,否则很多人担心财政悬崖的尽头将是经济萧条。拉加德女士说,美国必须赶快行动避免危机。 