
   It was the small house within the high city-walls where his wife and children lived in safety. It was a complete world which covered no more than four or five acres of rocky land. Don't you see how these surroundings must have influenced a man in everything he did and said and thought? The people of Babylon and Assyria and Egypt had been part of a vast mob. They had been lost in the multitude. The Greek on the other hand had never lost touch with his immediate surroundings. He never ceased to be part of a little town where everybody knew every one else. He felt that his intelligent neighbours were watching him. Whatever he did, whether he wrote plays or made statues out of marble or composed songs, he remembered that his efforts were going to be judged by all the free-born citizens of his home-town who knew about such things. This knowledge forced him to strive after perfection, and perfection, as he had been taught from childhood, was not possible without moderation.

  它高大坚固的城墙庇佑着他的小屋,让他的妻女能安乐无悠地生活。他的整个世界不过是四、五英亩岩石丛生的土地。现在你明白没有,这样的生活环境是如何影响一个人的所作所为、所思所想?巴比伦、亚述、埃及的人们仅仅是广大贱民的一分子,就像一滴水消失在大河里;可希腊人却从未失去与周围环境最切近的感触,他从来就是那座人人相熟的小镇的一员。他感觉到,那些聪明睿智的邻居们时刻都在关注着他。无论他做什么事情--写一出戏剧、雕一座大理石塑像或者谱几首曲子,他都不能忘记一点:自己的努力将呈现在故乡所有这些生而自由 的公民们眼前,接受他们内行的评判。这种意识驱追着他,使他不得不努力追求完美。而根据他从童年开始便接受的教导:缺少适度和节制,完美便如镜中花、水中月,永不能企及。
  In this hard school, the Greeks learned to excel in many things. They created new forms of government and new forms of literature and new ideals in art which we have never been able to surpass.