世界名人简介 第143期: 杰梅茵·格里尔(在线收听

   Germaine Greer is an Australian-born writer, academic and journalist.She is most famous for speaking out on women’s issues.She is one of the boldest and clearest feministn voices of modern times.She became a household name overnight after the publication of her best-seller ‘The Female Eunuch’.This ground-breaking book won her millions of admirers and critics alike and is still a must read.

  Greer was born in Melbourne in 1939.She graduated from university with a degree in English and French language and literature, and moved to Sydney.She lectured at Sydney University anddid her Master’s.Her MA thesis won her a scholarship, which sheused to do her Ph.D. at Cambridge University at an all-women’s college.Greer started writingwitty articles on gender issues for underground magazines.She married an Australian journalist in 1968, but the marriage lasted only three weeks due to her unfaithfulness.In 1970, ‘The Female Eunuch’ brought her instant fame.She toured the world to promote her book and investigate women’s situations in other countries.She was arrested in New Zealand for using ‘naughty words’ in a speech.Greerhas spent four decades writing and lecturing at universities.The constant theme in her work is that girls are feminized from childhood.She said this eventually leads women to feel powerless. She also continues to speak her mind.She criticized Australians as being "too relaxed to give a damn." In 2007, she called Princess Diana a "desperate woman seeking applause".
  格里尔1939年出生在墨尔本。她大学毕业时获得了英语和法语语言文学学士学位,随后搬到了悉尼。格里尔在悉尼大学教书并攻读硕士学位。她的硕士论文赢得了一笔奖学金,她用这笔钱攻读剑桥大学女子学院的博士学位。格里尔开始为《underground》 杂志写性别问题类的杂文。格里尔在1968年嫁给了一位澳大利亚记者,但因为她的不忠,婚姻只持续了3个星期。1970年,《女太监》使她一夜成名。格里尔开始世界巡回演讲推广她的书,同时调查其他国家女性的现状。格里尔在新西兰因演讲中的抨击言语而被逮捕。她花了四十年的时间在大学写作和演讲。格里尔作品的永恒主题是女孩在孩童时期就被柔弱化了。格里尔说这种情况最终会导致女性的无权。她坚持坦率地说出自己的观点。格里尔批评澳大利亚人“平庸无奇”。2007年,她评价戴安娜王妃是“寻求掌声的绝望女人”。 famous for 因…而出名
  例句:Spain used to be famous for its strong armada.
  西班牙曾以其强大的舰队而闻名。 畅销书
  例句:Her novel topped the nation's best-seller list.
  3.ground-breaking 开拓性的
  例句:I am pleased to report that much ground-breaking activity is now under way.
  4.instant fame 一夜成名
  例句:Instant fame has brought wealth to some of these young writers in turntransforming theminto modern day pop stars.