世界名人简介 第144期: 吉尔伯托·吉尔(在线收听

   Gilberto Gil is a Grammy award-winning singer, guitarist, environmentalist and politician.Between 2003 and 2008, he served as Brazil’s Minister of Culture on the invitation of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. He stepped down from the post to focus on his music career. He incorporates a wide range of styles in his music and has won many international awards.

  Gil was born in 1946 in the northeast of Brazil. He had an intense love of music from the age of two.He grew up listening to local street performers and taught himself to play the drum and trumpet.His mother developed his musical talents by sending him to music school.He learnt to play the guitar after being inspired by Joao Gilberto.Gil’s career started in the early 1960s as a composer for television advertisements.He released several singles and became influenced by rock and roll.He left Brazil and went to London, where he played with groups like Pink Floyd.In 1998, Gil won a Grammy for Best World Music Album for ‘Quanta Live’. He became one of the stars of world music.Gil's political career began in 1987 as asecretary of culture for the city of Salvador.A year later he was commissioner for environmental protection. In 1990, Gil joined Brazil’s Green Party.He also founded the environmental protection organization Blue Wave, which protected Brazil’s coastline.He quit as Minister of Culture in July 2008 because public speaking was affecting his singing ability.
  吉尔1946年出生在巴西东北部,从两岁起就痴迷于音乐。他听着当地街道表演的音乐长大,自学了打鼓和吹喇叭。吉尔的妈妈把他送到音乐学校培养他的音乐才能。吉尔受若昂·吉尔伯托的启发开始学吉他。吉尔在20世纪60年代早期为电视广告作曲从而开始了职业生涯。吉尔发布了几首单曲,音乐风格开始受到了摇滚音乐的影响。吉尔离开巴西去了伦敦,那里他与平克·弗洛伊德一类的乐队一起玩音乐。1998年,吉尔因世界名曲《Quanta Live》获得了格莱美奖。他成为世界级的音乐明星。吉尔从1987年担任萨尔瓦多市的文化部秘书,从此开始了政治生涯。一年后吉尔出任环保部委员一职。1990年,吉尔加入了巴西的绿党。吉尔建立了环保组织——“Blue Wave”来保护巴西的海岸线。因为公众演讲影响了他的唱歌能力,吉尔在2008年辞去了文化部长一职。
  1.serve as 作为…
  例句:“They get public financial support, their staff is paid by the government and theirfunction is to serve as an agency of the government, ” Ms. Jia said.
  他们得到了公共财政的支持,员工由政府支付工资,他们的职能是作为一个政府机构为人民服务。 “贾女士说。
  2.step down 辞职
  例句:Asked to run for public office, Cronkite reportedly said he could not step down fromhis anchor post.
  3.have an intense 有…强烈的感觉
  例句:Do you have an intense fear of separation from those you love?
  4.teach oneself 自学
  例句:It consists of three parts:teach oneself, society help study, country carry out exam. 它有三部分组成:个人自学、社会助学、国家考试。