世界名人简介 第153期: 加布里埃·香奈儿(在线收听

 Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel was born in France in 1883 and died in 1971. She was a pioneering fashion designer who revolutionized women’s fashion. She designed modern and simple clothes that were often based on menswear. She was so important that she was the only designer named in ‘Time’ magazine's list of the 100 most influential1 people of the 20th century.

Chanel had a very poor upbringing. Her mother worked in the poorhouse where Gabrielle was born. She died when Gabrielle was six and then her father abandoned her. She adopted the name Coco while she was a cafe singer in 1905. Two lovers funded her first store in Paris in 1910. They also helped her hats become popular with rich women.
In the 1920s, Chanel rose to become Paris’ top fashion designer. Her comfortable, yet elegant2clothes were popular across Europe. Women found her mannish clothes to be liberating3. In 1922 Chanel introduced her perfume, Chanel No. 5, which is still highly profitable4. Her famous Chanel suit has also stood the test of time and is part of the modern woman’s wardrobe.
At the beginning of World War II she moved into the Ritz Hotel in Paris, which became her home for 30 years. During the Nazi5 occupation of Paris she had a lover, a German spy. This relationship made her unpopular for a decade after the war. Her 1954 collection did badly in France. Today, however, her name is the biggest in fashion.
二战初期,她搬进了位于巴黎的丽兹酒店,她在这里居住了30年的时间。在纳粹占领巴黎的岁月里,她与一名德国间谍确立了恋人关系。战争结束后,她的这段恋情让她在以后的10年间身败名裂。她在1954年的服装在法国一败涂地。但是,如今她的名字仍然是时尚界的最响亮的。 designer 时装设计师
例句:I didn't want to be a fashion designer, and for a good half of my career I didn't like it.
2.stand the test of time 经得起时间考验
例句:We all know that true friendships stand the test of time.
3.popular with 受…欢迎
例句:She was not popular with other children, either.
她在其他孩子中间也不受欢迎。 part of 成为…的一部分
例句:They represent who we are and where we came from and this past needs to be part of our future.
它们能够说明我们是谁,我们来自何方。 这样的过去应当是我们的未来的一部分。