
   Donald Trump has threatened to abandon US efforts to restore trade and diplomatic ties with Cuba unless Havana makes new concessions, setting the stage for a clash with a US business community eager to exploit the opening up of the island economy.

  唐纳德.特朗普(Donald Trump)威胁称,除非古巴做出新的让步,否则将放弃美国恢复与古巴的贸易和外交关系的努力,此举似乎将引发一场与美国商界的冲突,后者渴望利用这个岛国经济的开放。
  If Cuba is unwilling to make a better deal for the Cuban people, the Cuban/American people and the US as a whole, I will terminate deal, Mr Trump tweeted yesterday, responding to a debate set off by the death on Friday of former Cuban leader Fidel Castro.
  如果古巴不愿为了古巴人民,古巴/美国人民和美国作为一个整体达成一项更好的协议,我会终止协议,特朗普昨日在Twitter上发消息称,回应了上周五古巴前领导人菲德尔.卡斯特罗(Fidel Castro)去世引发的辩论。
  The threat to unwind years of work by President Barack Obama to restore normal relations with Cuba drew a plea from business leaders for the president-elect to take a more considered view.
  放弃现任总统巴拉克.奥巴马(Barack Obama)恢复与古巴正常关系的多年努力,这一威胁让商界领袖恳请这位候任总统采取更加深思熟虑的看法。
  We’ve now gotten to a point where we have an embassy and we have commercial flights that are starting [and] US companies managing hotels [in Cuba].
  To unwind all of that and go back to the Cold War would be a shame, former commerce secretary and Kellogg chief executive Carlos Gutierrez told the FT.
  放弃这一切,回到冷战状态,会令人感到惋惜,曾经担任美国商务部长的家乐氏(Kellogg's)首席执行官卡洛斯.古铁雷斯(Carlos Gutierrez)告诉英国《金融时报》。
  With the backing of powerful agricultural and business lobbies Mr Obama has been pushing since 2014 for a resumption of normal relations with Cuba and in March became the first American president to visit the island in almost a century.
  In a sign of the changes under way, air carriers JetBlue and American Airlines yesterday flew their first regularly scheduled flights between New York and Havana.
  改变正在发生的一个迹象是,航空公司JetBlue和美国航空(American Airlines)昨日开通纽约和哈瓦那之间的定期航班。
  There has also been a procession of business delegations to Havana, with a trip organised by the US Chamber of Commerce this month including representatives from companies such as Dow, and GE.
  已经有一连串商业代表团到访哈瓦那,本月美国商会(US Chamber of Commerce)组织的一次古巴之旅包括陶氏化学(Dow Chemical)和通用电气(GE)等企业的代表。
  But with Republicans in Congress continuing to resist calls for an end to a 55-year-old trade embargo, Mr Obama’s efforts to normalise relations with Cuba have depended on tweaks to regulations and executive orders he can implement without congressional approval.
  Mr Gutierrez said the result of this month’s election, which saw influential Cuban-American legislators such as Marco Rubio re-elected, meant resistance to lifting an embargo was likely to grow stronger.
  古铁雷斯表示,在本月的选举结果中,马尔科.鲁比奥(Marco Rubio)等有影响力的古巴裔美籍议员重新当选,意味着对解除禁运的抵制有可能变得更强。
  That meant Mr Trump would hold the key for a business community that wants the US to continue its efforts to open up the Cuban market.