
Drop it! Now! 
Yeah, cool man. No problem! No problem at all.
Who are you?
Star-Lord, man. Legendary outlaw. Forget it.
We arrested these five on Xandar. _________1______. Drax aka The Destroyer since his wife and family were killed he’s been on a rampage across the Galaxy in a search for vengeance. GAMORA, a soldier, an assassin, wanted on over a dozen counts of murder. ROCKET _______________2________________.
What the hell.
Groot. He’s been traveling recently as ROCKETS personal houseplant/muscle.
Peter Jason Quill. He’s also known as Star-Lord.
Who calls him that?
Himself, mostly.
He’s wanted largely on charges of __________3___________.
Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t know how this machine worked.
Hey Hey Hey! It’s mine! You son of —
Take those headphones off right now!
They call themselves The Guardians of the Galaxy
What a bunch of a-holes.