英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1207 - 看电影没免费3D眼镜了?(在线收听

Topic 1-Gov't tries to use web to track down missing seniors
The Chinese government is employing online crowd-based technology to search for the hundreds of thousands of elderly people that go missing in China every year. Will that be an effective method to tackle the problem?
Topic 2-Chinese cinemas stop offering free 3D glasses to movie viewers
More cinemas cross China have stopped offering free 3D glasses for movie goers. Instead, the cinemas suggest that movie goers buy glasses for themselves. Many city-level consumer associations have received amounting complaints that it is actually forced consumption, which is unfair for consumers.
Topic 3-Students asked to take a pass to go to the toilet
People go to the toilet whenever they receive the call of nature. But students of a middle school in Guizhou have to take a special pass with them when they want to use the restroom. Why is that?  