

We Americans have gone nearly certifiably insane over our weight.


It wasn't enough that the government completely re-designed its "food pyramid" nutrition guide into colored bands - wide ones for recommended good stuff like grains and green veggies, skinny bands for naughty sugars and fats. Or that it tries, with little success, to teach us the difference between "good fats" and "bad fats."


We did the grapefruit diet. Then the low-fat, low-carbohydrate, high-carbohydrate, South Beach, Detox, Protein Power, Atkins and Zone diets. We count calories or point totals assigned to each and every morsel of food. We grunt through treadmill ordeals, jazzy exercises, and contorted workouts on machines straight out of the Inquisition.

柚子减肥法我们也试过了。然后又尝试了低脂减肥法、低碳水化合物减肥法、高碳水化合物减肥法、迈阿密饮食法(South Beach)、排毒减肥法(Detox)、低糖高蛋白减肥法(Protein Power)、阿特金斯减肥法(Atkins)和分区饮食法(Zone diets)。我们掂掇着食物的卡路里,细数着吃多少口食物会摄入多少能量。我们艰难地穿梭在跑步机、爵士舞和各种让我们惨叫喋喋的健身器械之间,犹如接受审判一般。

But in the mirror, we're still a long way from Adonis and Aphrodite.


A new dieting service allows people to take pictures of their meal to email to a nutritionist for feedback.


So someone has combined three American obsessions - with weight, with technology, and with convenience and comfort - into something called a "dieting service."


Here's how it works: before you put even a speck of food in your mouth - a potato chip, a stick of gum, a beefsteak dinner - you flip open your camera phone, snap a picture of the item, and e-mail it to a dietician. No need to count calories: the picture tells the tale.


Some time after you've dined, back comes the dietician's analysis - and perhaps a scolding - on an Internet Web site designed especially for you.



According to common perceptions, Italians gorge from pasta bowls the size of Sicily; Frenchmen drink jeroboams of red wine; and Greeks can seemingly drip vats of olive oil directly into their veins. They all look like supermodels and live to 125. Weight-obsessed Americans have been reduced to photographing our every crust of bread, in the hope that a picture can save 1,000 calories.

