英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1216 - 最赚钱的服务业!(在线收听

 Topic 1-10 best paid jobs in the service sector in China

There is a change quietly taking place in the Chinese job market. That is service jobs such as a maternity nurse or courier are being paid more than some office jobs. 
A recent market report found the top 10 best paid jobs in the service sector in China. What are they and what does it say about the changing economy?
Topic 2-Professional kid walkers or caretakers
Parents want to look after their kids, but they don’t always have the time to do it adequately. Now parents can pay for person to take you kid for a walk just like dog walkers. They are call kid walkers.
This is a new occupation in Wuhan, who will design special games and organize kids to play together usually outdoors. Is it reliable to rely on those kid walkers to take care of kids?
Topic 3-Training in front of a mirror: good or bad?
Exercise offers a unique opportunity for self-reflection, which is perhaps why gyms these days tend to cover as many surfaces as possible with mirrors. In theory, the mirrors are supposed to help you ensure you’re holding correct form during your exercises. But are they really helpful in practice?    