木偶奇遇记 第68期:匹诺曹顶替看门狗(4)(在线收听

   "Were you awake or asleep when they came?" continued the Farmer.

  "I was asleep," answered Pinocchio, "but they awakened me with their whisperings.
  One of them even came to the door of the doghouse and said to me, 'If you promise not to bark, we will make you a present of one of the chickens for your breakfast.'
  Did you hear that? They had the audacity to make such a proposition as that to me!
  For you must know that, though I am a very wicked Marionette full of faults, still I never have been, nor ever shall be, bribed."
  "Fine boy!" cried the Farmer, slapping him on the shoulder in a friendly way.
  "You ought to be proud of yourself. And to show you what I think of you, you are free from this instant!"
  And he slipped the dog collar from his neck.End of Chapter.