听歌学英语: 清新女声 One Fine Wire(在线收听

I try so many times我无数次尝试
But it's not taking me却总是失败
And it seems so long ago似乎很久之前
That I used to believe我曾坚信
And I'm so lost inside of my head我茫然失措
And crazy苦恼 疯狂
But I cant get out of it却无法摆脱
I'm just stumbling我跌跌撞撞
And I'm juggling摇摇晃晃
all the thoughts in my head思绪万千
I'm juggling and my fears on fire跌撞之中 恐惧如火焰般高涨
I'm just stumbling我跌跌撞撞
And I'm juggling摇摇晃晃
all the thoughts in my head思绪万千
I'm juggling and my fears on fire跌撞之中 恐惧如火焰般高涨'mg on one fine wire
And I remember the time my balance was fine我记得我找到平衡点的那一刻
And I was just walking on one fine wire我只是个走钢丝的人
I remember the time my balance was fine我记得我找到平衡点的那一刻
And I was just walking on one fine wire我只是个走钢丝的人
But It's frayed at both the ends但是它的两端都已磨损
And I'm slow unraveling我也会渐渐崩溃
Life plays so many games inside of me生活玩弄了我那么多
And I've had some distant cries' following接着,我听到某些遥远的哭喊
And their entwined它们交织在
between the night and sun beams日夜之间
I wish I were free但愿我不必
from this pain in me承受如此痛楚

歌词:And it seems so long ago that I used to believe.
She doesn't seem (或seems not) to like the idea.
It seems that… 看来,似乎:
It seems that no one knows what has happened. (=No one seems to know what has happened.) 似乎没有人知道发生了什么事。
used to?过去常常
I used to look on him as a friend. 我以前把他看作是一位朋友。
He is used to eating out all the time. 他已经习惯在外面吃饭了。

歌词:I'm just stumbling and I'm juggling, all the thoughts in my head. I'm juggling and my fears on fire.
stumble over (v.+prep.)绊了一下脚;结结巴巴地说
I stumbled over a tree root.树根绊了我的脚。
She stumbled over the long word. 她结结巴巴地说那个长词。
stumble on〔upon〕 (v.+prep.)绊了一脚;偶然发现
I stumbled upon the answer to the riddle. 我偶然发现了这个谜底。
juggle ['d??ɡl] v.玩杂耍;同时做;纂改;欺骗n.玩杂耍;纂改;花招
I can juggle with three balls at once! 我能同时耍3个球!
Don't juggle with your accounts. 不要在你的帐目上搞鬼。
She juggled his money away. 她骗走了他的钱。

歌词:But It's frayed at both the ends, and I'm slow unraveling.
Fray [fre?]?v.恼火;紧张?v.磨损?n.吵闹;吵架;争斗?n.磨损处
The electric wire is fraying and could be dangerous to handle.
Tempers began to fray in the hot weather.
unravel [?n'r?vl] ?v.解开;阐明;解释;破坏(计划、安排等)
Police are trying to unravel the reason of their sudden disappearance.
The unity agreement began to unravel.
