英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1226 - 美国对制造业吸引力更大?(在线收听

Topic 1-Chinese billionaire moves manufacturing to the U.S. to cut costs


Cao Dewang, a Chinese auto glass tycoon has caused a stir by shifting part of his manufacturing empire to the United States and setting up a factory in Ohio. He says the reasoning behind is simple, that is to avoid hefty taxes and soaring labor costs at home.


Is manufacturing too expensive in China? Is China losing its competitive edge in manufacturing?


Topic 2-Early education in China lacks of supervision


In today's China, there is a fast growing trend among parents that is to send their kids to early education institutions. But recent investigative reports have revealed that many of these institutions lack business licensing and many teachers in the field lack qualifications. The market of early education in China is messy to say the least.


Topic 3-Roses, romance or food?


When you receive a bouquet of ninety nine roses, what's on your mind? Some smell romance in the air. But one young lady from Zhejiang province smells food. As she cooked the rose petals sent from her boyfriend and made them into rose flavored jam.          
