美国有线新闻 CNN 足球帮助远离家园的难民儿童找回童年(在线收听


play pause stop mute unmute max volume 00:0002:03repeat repeat off Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin. AZUZ: Starting life over in any new community, far from where you were born, can be challenging for anyone. Add to that, a language barrier, little or no previous education, and the often horrifying memories of living in a war zone and you have the kind of young people that Luma Mufleh has been working to help for more than 12 years.

LUMA MUFLEH, CNN HERO: More than 10 years ago, I saw kids outside playing soccer and they reminded me of the way I grow up playing soccer in Jordan.

The kids were from Sudan and Afghanistan. They reluctantly let me play and that's how it started.

The person with the ball should have two passes going like this.

I started a soccer team for refugees.

Let's go.

We called it the Fugees.

Ready? We're going headers, go.

We're giving them a sense of belonging.


All the kids left their countries because of war. They've all seen horrible atrocities.

Here you go.

For kids that were robbed of their childhood, this is one place you get to be kids again.

But I realize their needs were so much more.

So, I started a school for refugee kids.

Good morning.

They struggle academically and emotionally. Our curriculum is tailored to address their individual needs.

So, does this make sense now?

They experienced so much and they need to heal.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When I first came here, the kids at my school, they were very mean. They said, go back to Africa. I feel really, really angry.

Coach Luma, she helped me a lot. My grades have dramatically improved. I'm planning to start college on the fall.

I don't think I would be the young man I am today without Fugees.

MUFLEH: A good coach pushes their players to be excellent at everything that they do. But there are so many things stacked against them. I'm trying to give them all the opportunities that they deserve.

One, two, three —

KIDS: Go Fugees!
