

well, i've given this a lot of thought, and i think i can answer your question in three parts. and i'd like to start with the third part first, if it's cool, unless, uh, that would be confusing. in which case, i can start at the beginning. um, the dartmouth "principles of community" highlight integrity, responsibility and consideration. uh, well, from st. jude's, i've learned integrity. from being an older brother, i have learned responsibility, and from my parents,  who have sacrificed everything to send me to this school, i've learned consideration. it really comes down to one thing--dartmouth is my dream, and i've never asked dartmouth, but... i think it's been dreaming of me. that--that was a joke, or an attempt at one. next question.
我考虑了很多,我想答案有三点。我想先从第三点说起,如果可以的话,不然的话,如果照成混乱,那样我就可以从头在开始。Dartmouth一直以来的宗旨,重视的是正直,责任心和体谅。在St. Jude 我学会了正直,本身作为一个哥哥,我学会了负责任,而从我父母身上,他们为了我能进入这个学校牺牲了一切,我学会了体谅。这一切都指向了一件事,Dartmouth是我的梦想,我没有问过Dartmouth,但是... 我想他们期待着我,这是个玩笑,活着说是一次尝试。下一个问题。