
   But the pass had been lost and the greater part of Greece fell into the hands of the Persians. They marched upon Athens, threw the garrison from the rocks of the Acropolis and burned the city. The people fled to the Island of Salamis. All seemed lost. But on the 20th of September of the year 480 Themistocles forced the Persian fleet to give battle within the narrow straits which separated the Island of Salamis from the mainland and within a few hours he destroyed three quarters of the Persian ships.

  温泉关的失守使波斯大军得以长驱直入,希腊的大部分地区相继陷落。波斯人气势汹汹朝雅典挺进,要报8年前的一箭之仇。他们攻占了雅典卫城,将其夷为平地。雅典人扶老携幼逃往萨拉米岛。这场战争看起来似乎是没有希望了。公元前480年9月20日,泰米斯托克利率领雅典海军,将波斯舰队骗入希腊大陆 与萨拉米岛之间的狭窄海面。波斯舰队被迫与雅典海军决战。几个小时后,雅典人摧毁了3/4的波斯舰船,取得决定性胜利。这样一来,波斯人在德摩比勒地区的大捷就变得毫无意义。失去了海上支援,波斯国王泽克西斯被迫撤退。
  In this way the victory of Thermopylae came to naught.
  Xerxes was forced to retire. The next year, so he decreed, would bring a final decision. He took his troops to Thessaly and there he waited for spring.
  But this time the Spartans understood the seriousness of the hour. They left the safe shelter of the wall which they had built across the isthmus of Corinth and under the leadership of Pausanias they marched against Mardonius the Persian general. The united Greeks(some one hundred thousand men from a dozen different cities) attacked the three hundred thousand men of the enemy near Plataea. Once more the heavy Greek infantry broke through the Persian barrage of arrows. The Persians were defeated, as they had been at Marathon, and this time they left for good. By a strange coincidence, the same day that the Greek armies won their victory near Plataea, the Athenian ships destroyed the enemy's fleet near Cape Mycale in Asia Minor.
  Thus did the first encounter between Asia and Europe end. Athens had covered herself with glory and Sparta had fought bravely and well. If these two cities had been able to come to an agreement, if they had been willing to forget their little jealousies, they might have become the leaders of a strong and united Hellas.
  But alas, they allowed the hour of victory and enthusiasm to slip by, and the same opportunity never returned.