

Sample transcript


Harp: Yeah, we have both done the teaching English in Korea. So how long were you there for?


Jessie: I was there for one year.


Harp: One year in Korea, and where in Korea were you?


Jessie: I was near a town called Geung-jo.


Harp: Which is in the south?


Jessie: Yeah, it is way in the south of Korea.


Harp: OK, so tell me about your year there.


Jessie: Well, I had a pretty incredible year there. I experienced a lot of new things there: I met some really great people, saw some really neat mountains, and did some hiking. Overall, it was one of the best years of my life.


Harp: I agree, I would say the exact same thing. Definitely! So now what did you think of the food?


Jessie: I have to say that I loved the food!


Harp: Really?


Jessie: I did.


Harp: I agree with you one hundred percent!
