


Sample transcript

Maura: Now, the next holiday … well, it depends where you live in Canada.

Jessie: Yeah. I know this is a bit of a sore spot with you, Maura.

Maura: It is, Jessie. Because only a few years ago, Saskatchewan and Ontario, two provinces in Canada, got Family Day. And the province of Alberta has had Family Day since 1990.

Jessie: Right. And Family Day is just an early Monday in February—different depending on the year—when you have the day off from work and you spend time with your family.

Maura: Right. You’re supposed to spend time with your family. And, like I said, it’s a really new holiday, a day off in February because the winter is so long. Like you said, after New Year’s, there are no holidays right away and the winter can be a little bit depressing, so it’s nice to have a holiday in February.
