

Maura: Now, let’s get to today’s episode. Our episode today is a Chatterbox episode, and that is where Harp and I chat about all different kinds of cultural or language-related topics.


Harp: Yes. And today we’re going to talk about something very fun. We’re going to talk about board games.


Maura: Yes, board games. And you know what I just thought of, Harp?


Harp: Mmhmm. I think we had the same thought at the exact same moment, Maura, but tell me what you thought.


Maura: Well, you said board games, and, yes, that it was they’re called because you play the games on a board. But I also thought of the other meaning for bored, which is not fun at all.


Harp: Yeah. When you’re not having fun, you’re bored. But that’s not the same board right now.


Maura: No. Board games are fun and they’re supposed to be fun for people that play.


Harp: Yes, exactly. So a board game is when you have a board, usually a square, and there’s some sort of game that you play on it using this board, and usually other little pieces.


Maura: Most games are not homemade. You have to go to the store to buy a board game.


Harp: Exactly. So, today we’re going to talk about some very popular board games in Canada. Then we’re gonna talk about some trends that are happening with board games. Maura: And last, but not least, we’re gonna talk about our own memories playing board games.


Harp: Let’s get started, Maura.


Maura: OK. So, Harp, you have the list. What are some of the most popular board games?


Harp: You know, I was doing research for this today and the top two most popular board games were really surprising to me.
