VOA慢速英语20117 美国学校增设瑜伽练习(在线收听


Along with subjects like reading and mathematics, school children at the Robert W. Coleman Elementary School are learning how to spend time in quiet thought.


The students are learning yoga exercises and meditation skills.The aim is to provide them with better tools to deal with the daily struggles they face.


The school, called Coleman for short, is in the American city of Baltimore, Maryland.


Principal Carlillian Thompson brought the program to Coleman in 2010. She sends some of her most troublesome students to the Mindful Moment Room instead of requiring them to stay after school in detention.

校长卡利安·汤普森在2010年时引入了该项目。她把学校里最棘手的一些学生送到沉思屋(Mindful Moment Room),而不是要求学生放学之后留下。

Nearly one fourth of Baltimore’s population lives below the poverty line.That information comes from the United States Census Bureau.


Many children at Coleman face conditions common to poverty.


Principal Thompson told broadcaster CNN that a few of her students are homeless, while others live in homes with no electricity. Some have little or no food to eat.Others are related to victims of gun violence.


The Mindful Moment Room is a place where Coleman students do deep breathing exercises and clear their minds.They come to learn how they can better react to situations, and how to calm themselves.They can also speak with Mindful Moment specialists about what caused their teachers to send them there.


Atman Smith is one of the founders of the Holistic Life Foundation (HLF), the organization that leads the program.He told VOA News a few years ago that meditation and yoga can help young people deal with life’s difficulties.


“It’s…like…a serious cycle in most inner cities where people don’t know how to resolve conflicts peacefully. That’s why there is so much violence and abuse and, in us teaching these kids meditation – giving them these tools to self-regulate – it’s going to change, I guess, the social construct and the way the inner city works and is thought of.”


HLF serves 4,500 students each week, and works with a total of 14 Baltimore schools.


Coleman is not the only American school adding meditation and yoga to its academic curriculum.Schools in other cities are also using these tools.


Last year, Visitacion Valley Middle School began offering meditation, NBC News reported.The school is in one of the poorest areas in the city of San Francisco.Some children there witnessed stressful events in their neighborhoods.


A large number of the students see people carrying guns on a daily basis, athletic director Barry Driscoll told NBC News.A few years ago, there were three to five fights at the school every week.


But then, the San Francisco School District partnered with a local organization called the Center for Wellness and Achievement in Education.The center brought a meditation program called Quiet Time to Visitacion Valley and three other schools.


Each day, during Quiet Time, the whole school has two 15-minute periods of Transcendental Meditation (TM).TM is a process for slowing down unwanted thoughts and reaching a state of calm awareness.


At first, O’Driscoll thought meditation was foolish.But, as he told NBC, over four years of having Quiet Time, suspensions at Visitacion Valley have fallen by 79 percent.Over that period, attendance has risen to 98 percent.


A nearby school that uses the program has also seen a big drop in suspensions -- 75 percent, NBC noted.In addition, students are performing better academically.


Words in This Story

meditation – n. the act or process of spending time in quiet thought; the act or process of meditating

yoga – n. a system of exercises for mental and physical health

poverty line – n. an income level below which one is considered to be living in poverty

regulate – n. to set or adjust the amount, degree, or rate of something

curriculum – n. the courses that are taught by a school or college

stressful – adj. making you feel worried or anxious; full of or causing stress

cynical – adj. distrustful; believing that people are generally selfish and dishonest

address – v. to give attention to something; to deal with a matter, issue or problem

academic – adj. of or related to a school, especially a school of higher education

awareness – n. in meditation, awareness is a process of actively paying attention to one’s mental, physical and emotional experiences
