英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0124 - 能不覆盖上吗(在线收听

Topic 1-Is skiing more dangerous than we think?
Skiing has become the latest fashionable sport taken up by the Chinese middle class, since China won the bid on hosting the twenty-twenty-two Winter Olympic Games. The enthusiasm has been shadowed by two deadly ski accidents this month. Is skiing a dangerous sport? What do we need to know before going down the slope?
Topic 2-Death of panda mother and daughter at Shanghai zoo stirs anger
The sudden death of two giant pandas at a Shanghai zoo has aroused suspicion over the treatment of zoo animals in China.
Is that true? Should we offer special treatment to our national treasure?
Topic 3-Household appliances 'Why do we need protection?'
Does this happen in your household? From air conditioners to water coolers, from computers to remote controls, everything is covered with a layer of plastic or crochet that's carefully wrapped by your dear mother.
Moms say this so-called 'protector' is absolutely necessary and has been made into an aesthetical marvel.
Why do Chinese Moms want to cover house appliances up? Does furniture need protection?           