

  You can change your PIN at the ATM. 你可以在自动柜员机更改你的密码。
  Tina pays her phone bill with an automatic bill payment. 蒂娜利用自动转帐服务支付电话账单。
  If you keep a balance of $1,000, you won't have to pay the $20 monthly-service fee. 如果您维持一千元存款余额,就不必付每月二十元的服务费。
  How do I open a bank account here 我要怎么开户?
  What happens if payday falls on a bank holiday 发薪日如果碰上国定假日该怎么办?
  Could you sign me up for online banking 你可以帮我申请网络银行服务吗?
  Wads of banknotes were hidden in the bag. 袋子里藏了数迭纸钞。
  Redeeming your certificate of deposit before maturity may result in withdrawal penalties. 如果你定存提前解约,可能必须付提前解约金。
  I need to make a withdrawal from my checking account. 我要从我的支票存款账户里提款。
  I didn't get my pay deposit this month. 我这个月薪资存款没有入帐。
  The discount rate is set by the Fed. 重贴现率是由联准会所订定。
  Does it matter where I open an Individual Retirement Account 我在哪里开立个人退休账户有关系吗?
  Interest rates are not expected to increase. 利率应不会上升。
  Tom forged his boss's signature to steal company funds. 汤姆伪造老板签名,盗领公司款项。
  Marcy started as a bank teller, but now she's a loan officer. 玛西一开始是当银行出纳员,但现在她是贷款员。
  The money has been transferred into my account. 钱已经转进我的账户。
  Judy's father wired money to her bank account. 茱蒂父亲汇了一笔钱到她的户头。
  I withdrew $300 from my savings account. 我从我的储蓄存款账户提领了三百元。
  Katherine made a balance transfer from her old credit card to her new one. 凯瑟琳申办新卡代偿旧卡。
  What happens if I want to cancel my card 如果我想停卡该怎么办?
  What do I need in order to apply for a cash card 申办现金卡我需要准备些什么?
  Without collateral, Mr. Thomas wasn't able to get a loan. 由于没担保品,托马斯先生的贷款办不下来。
  I need to report a stolen credit card. 我要报信用卡失窃。
  Be aware of outrageous credit limits, which may lead to uncontrollable spending. 要小心信用额度别订得太高,这可能会导致花费无度。
  Bob's poor repayment history has really hurt his credit rating. 巴柏不良的还款记录对他的信用评等造成很大的伤害。
  You can use this debit card almost anywhere in the world. 这张签帐卡你几乎全世界任何地方都可使用。
  Before you consider debt consolidation, closely examine the proposal. 在考虑负债整合之前,要仔细检视其还款方案。
  The company is in default on its loan agreement. 该公司违反其贷款合约。
  She kept her jewels in her safe-deposit box. 她将珠宝放在她银行保险箱。
  I need to transfer money from my savings account to my checking account. 我要将储蓄存款账户的钱转到我的支票账户。