【突破英文词汇】e,ex--out in, im--in (2/2)(在线收听

11. expel /iksˈpel/
-- drive out; force out; compel to leave
Expelled from the university bacause of poor grades, the student applied for readmission the following year.
12. impel /ɪm'pel/
-- drive on; force; compel
Gregg's low mark in the midterm impelled him to study harder for the final.
13. enervate /'enəveɪt/
-- (literally, "take out the nerves or strength") lessen the strength of; enfeeble; weaken
Emma was so enervated by the broiling sun that she nearly fainted.
14. implicate /'ɪmplɪkeɪt/
-- (literally, "fold in or involve") show to be part of or connected with; involve
The accused is not the only guilty party; two others are implicated.
15. impugn /ɪm'pju:n/
-- (literally, "fight against") call in question; assail by words or arguments; attack as false; contradict
The treasurer should not have been offended when asked for a financial report. No one was impugning his honesty.
16. incarcerate /ɪn'kɑ:səreɪt/
-- put into prison; imprison; confine
On July 14,1789, the people of Paris freed the prisoners incarcerated in the Bastille.
17. inscribe /ɪn'skraɪb/
-- (literally, "write on") write, engrave or print to create a lasting record
The name of the winner will be inscribed on the medal.
18. eminent /ˈemɪnənt/
-- standing out; conspicuous; distinguished; noteworthy
Steinmetz's discoveries in the field of electricity made him one of the eminent scientists of the twentieth century.
19. imminent /'ɪmɪnənt/
-- hanging threateningly over one's head; about to occur; impending
At the first flash of lightning, the beach crowd scurried for shelter from the imminent storm.
20. exclusive /iksˈklu:siv/
-- 1.shutting out or tending to shut out others
2. not shared with others
An exclusive club does not readily accept newcomers.
Before the game, each team had exclusive use of the field for a ten-minute practice period.
21. inclusive /inˈklu:siv/
-- (literally, "shut in") including the limits( dates, numbers, etc.) mentioned
The film will be shown from August 22 to 24, inclusive, for a total of three days.