英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0209 - 如何应对负能量人?(在线收听

 Topic 1-Expert refutes the misinterpretation of Henan's plan in nuclear power plants

Henan Provincial government recently released its new energy development plan, which appeared to be a harbinger that the province will build 4 nuclear power plants.
Later, Luoyang city authorities came forward and deemed it to be a misunderstanding in the part of internet users.
It's been almost six years since the Fukushima disaster prompted Japan and other countries such as China to try weaning itself from nuclear power. Is that a position now seems poised to reverse?
Topic 2-How to deal with negative people
Negative people and haters can be everywhere, whether it is a co-worker, a boss, a friend, or a family member. They are energy vampires that suck the life out of you. Some of them are just too negative that they constantly complain about all the different ways the world is set against them.
Negative mood can be contagious. And dwelling on these negatives simply contributes to their power. Let's learn to cope with them wisely and foster a peace space inside us that all negativity cannot pierce.
Topic 3-Kids rush to finish and copy their winter vacation homework
The winter vocation is coming to an end. Kids are rushing to finish their homework, or for some of them the hard work has just started.                                 