英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0214 - 情人节该怎么过?(在线收听

Toipc 1-Amazon ranks the top romantic cities of 2016 in China
Online retailer Amazon China has unveiled its annual list of top romantic Chinese cities. Zhengzhou in Henan Province tops the list of 2016. First-tier city like Beijing, shanghai, Guangzhou didn't even get into the top40 list.
What makes these cities romantic? Do you agree?
Topic 2-Online games 'curfew' to curb juvenile internet addiction
The Cyberspace Administration of China has released a full-report and draft regulations to grapple with the problem of youth internet addiction. If the regulation is enacted, minors under- the age of 18 would be banned from playing online games between midnight and 8 am.
Will the ban be effective in deterring young people from gaming addiction?
Topic 3-10 Surprising benefits of chewing gum
Many people pop gum into their mouths while walking, driving, or sitting somewhere to ward off bad breath or satisfy a craving for something sweet without giving it much thought. But, if you stop to think about it, you realize that chewing gum has many other amazing benefits.      