英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0222 - 中国人不爱吃巧克力了?(在线收听

Topic 1-Shared car or car sharing
We've witnessed the rise of the sharing economy in the last 5 years. On the internet, via your smartphone, everything is for hire. From bike sharing and to office sharing, now, cars can be shared too! Driving a Smart automobile can be as cheap as 15 Yuan?! How does work? Will it work in China?
Topic 2-Chocolate not on hot sale in China
Just like Juliette Binoche said in the American film "Chocolate": "You cannot refuse chocolate just as you cannot refuse love," it's difficult to refuse the charm of chocolate.
However, a US chocolate producer has revealed in its latest financial report that its sales revenues dropped for 4% last year. Does that mean Chinese people don't love chocolate?
Topic 3-Mobile phone on silent mode makes people difficult to receive phone calls
Has this happened to you? You haven't checked your smartphone in a short while, then you get half a dozen missed calls. The caller, be it your girlfriend, boyfriend, or boss gets mad at you for not picking up. You try to explain: I've put my phone on silent mode. But it doesn't always go down well.                     