英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0228 - 中国年轻人普遍乐观?(在线收听

Topic 1-Young Chinese people more optimistic
An international report has revealed that young people in China appear to be more optimistic about the future of their own country and the world as opposed to their peers in other countries. Why is it?
Topic 2-Can celebrities with bad record be back to stage?
China's Film Industry Promotion Law will take effect on March 1. There's an article in the law mentioning the moral requirements of those working in the film industry, which again brings up the problem whether celebrities with wrongdoings should be allowed to go back to the industry.
Topic 3-Chinese toy each other with lies
The vast terrain of the China gives birth to an immensely diverse population. Chinese people have greatly different living and eating habits from east to west, north to south. Sometimes, we wonder if we are from the same country.
For example, when a fellow compatriot from Sichuan Province, known for ultra-spicy food, says to you: have some of this, it's not spicy at all. You take a bite and blow up, are you kidding with me! You liar!       