英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0302 - 《反家庭暴力法》实施一年成效如何?(在线收听

Topic 1-First anniversary of anti-domestic violence law
This month China celebrates the first anniversary of the country's Anti-domestic Violence Law. Has the law been effective to protect the victims from domestic violence? What are the challenges ahead?
Topic 2-We-media in China
In the last couple of years, We-media has developed from a new concept into a thriving business. Some successful examples are the talk show of Luo Zhenyu and the financial channel of Wu Xiaobo.
What is we-media? Who are doing we-media? How is the industry doing? Today, let's talk about this new industry.
Topic 3-Busker or Street Performer on Public Transportation
Has it ever happened to you? In a crowded subway carriage, a person sings or plays a musical instrument and seeks to collect money from passengers. The blaring noise made by unprofessional "singers" or "DJs" can drive passengers off the train or bus.      