美国国家公共电台 NPR On Both The Left And Right, Trump Is Driving New Political Engagement(在线收听



President Trump often talks about the political movement he inspired. There's also, of course, a movement against him, and NPR's Laura Sydell has been meeting some first-time activists.

LAURA SYDELL, BYLINE: Campbell, Calif., a suburb just outside San Jose in the heart of Silicon Valley, is not known as a hotbed of activism. But on a Tuesday night, in an auditorium in the United Church of Christ, some 150 people have gathered to hear from a group of activists who are fighting the Dakota oil pipeline at Standing Rock. One of them was Native American filmmaker Benalex Dupris.

BENALEX DUPRIS: We believe in each other. We believe in our communities. And sitting here, you're taking your time out of your lives because you want that same thing for your self and for your children.

SYDELL: For an hour and a half, the Standing Rock activists explained their cause. Some in the audience have been politically active at varying points in their lives. But for many, activism is new. Event organizer Celeste Walker is a mother of two who owns a chocolate shop in Campbell. She and a friend watched the election results, and when Trump won, they...

CELESTE WALKER: Felt kind of the devastating crush that came after that and kind of struggled for a couple of months deciding what was the best way we could begin to not feel so helpless.

SYDELL: Her friend Michael Clark is also new to activism.

MICHAEL CLARK: I'm a director at a high-tech company. It's not really like the classic protester. When I see news articles about the paid protester, it just makes me laugh, you know? It's like, no, no, I'm on my lunch break (laughter).

SYDELL: Clark and Walker started the progressive activist group that hosted the Standing Rock protesters. In just two months, it grew from 12 members to 800. They meet weekly to discuss issues and ways to protest. The election of Donald Trump ignited progressive activism at a rate never seen before in American politics, says Dana Fisher, a University of Maryland sociologist. Fisher surveyed participants in the Women's March on Washington the day after Trump's inauguration. A third had never protested before. She says progressives are driven by a lot of different issues - immigration, social justice, women's rights, the environment.

DANA FISHER: Everybody's pissed off, and they're pissed off for different reasons. Trump is helping everybody to find common ground.

SYDELL: Trump and his administration have dismissed protests and packed town halls as driven in part by professional, liberal activists. The president tweeted last week that if his voters had their own rally, it would be the biggest of them all. Trump supporters are planning rallies across the country on Saturday. They're being organized by Main Street Patriots, a conservative group started by members of the tea party. Debbie Dooley, one of the organizers, says a lot of political newcomers are energized by Trump. She says he's like that star of old American Westerns - John Wayne.

DEBBIE DOOLEY: I know many of your listeners are too young to remember John Wayne's style, but he rode into a town, and the bad guys ran away because he was - had a take-no-prisoners attitude.

SYDELL: Ironically, Trump's blustery style and politically incorrect language is what is driving both anti-Trump activists and pro-Trump activists, says Sarah Sobieraj. She teaches at Tufts University and has studied activism for nearly two decades.

SARAH SOBIERAJ: Saying those things and acting that way brought people out because they felt validated by someone who sees the world the way they see it and, you know, the feeling at last as though someone is really telling the truth without apology. And on the left, that way of speaking and those ideas were absolutely objectionable and mobilizing because they were viewed as abhorrent.

SYDELL: That was the case at the gathering in Campbell, Calif. Among the activists was 23-year-old Renata Vidovic. She is the daughter of parents who fled violence and ethnic strife in Bosnia. One parent is Catholic and the other is Muslim. Her mother was worried about a backlash against Muslims when Trump won.

RENATA VIDOVIC: The day that the election happened, I've never seen my mom look that terrified. She is just like, we ran here hoping that something like this would never happen again.

SYDELL: But Vidovic says her family never got involved in politics because of their experience overseas. Now, she says, she can't imagine sitting on the sidelines.

VIDOVIC: I think it's now become a part of me. It's almost one of those things where something wakes up inside you.

SYDELL: And the speed with which Trump is pushing his agenda keeps reigniting activists like Vidovic to keep fighting. Laura Sydell, NPR News.
