科学美国人60秒 SSS 美国疾控中心对于枪支一直保持沉默(在线收听


“CDC is afraid to fund firearms research.”


David Hemenway, professor of health policy at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.


“Twenty years ago they were doing a tiny amount of funding for firearms research, $2.6 million a year, $2.6 million a year total. This was too much for the gun lobby and Republicans in Congress and they attacked the CDC and now CDC does no funding of firearms research. Zero.”


Hemenway spoke February 17th about gun violence research at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Boston

2月17日,在波士顿举行的美国科学进步协会的关于 枪支研究年度会议上,海明威发表了上述讲话。

“CDC is not expressively prohibited from funding firearms research, but they’re correctly quite fearful because they know they’ll be brought up before Congress and berated and their funding will be cut if they ever fund firearms research. Researchers, staff at the Centers for Disease Control are afraid to say the word guns or firearms at major meetings that I’ve been at for the last 20 years.

“现在并未明令禁止不得资助疾控中心进行枪支研究,但是,现在疾控中心非常担心,因为他们知道这会被在国会前被参一本,并遭到斥责,同时,如果得到关于枪支研究的资助,这些资金会被削减。 在过去的20年,在疾控中心的任何研究员和职员都不敢在大型的会议上发表任何关于枪支或者武器的言语。”

“The director of the CDC, of our major public health agency, we’ve had mass shooting after mass shooting in the United States, and what has he said? And I don’t blame him at all, but what has he said about the mass shootings in the United States? He has said not a single word. And for good reason. Because he knows if he says anything about guns, funding will be cut.”

