英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0321 - 今天你“丧”了么?(在线收听

Topic 1-The psychological counseling in China
The demand for psychological counseling in China is on the rise, and unsurprisingly, the profession of psychological counseling has become more popular too. The latest observation is counseling has become a service that only those with the privilege of living in cities and financially affluent can enjoy.
What needs to be done to make psychological assistance available for those in need?
Topic 2-Dispirited culture
Dispirited culture is a popular subculture among today's young people.
They may feel they've lost a purpose in life, don't have the energy to work, love to complain, only want to slouch on the sofa and DON'T WANNA DO ANYTHING.
Some argue that young people need help to resist this culture coz it's too negative an outlook on life.
What does the culture mean? Is it that bad?               