影视英语:Cinderella 2 《灰姑娘》2 (精讲之六)(在线收听


Cinderella: I'll wait for you by the apple cart.

Shopkeeper: Do you think she'll like them?

Lady: They're beautiful! She's going to love them!

Cinderella: What? What happened? Anastasia!

Gaq: Run for it! The deal is off!

Anastasia: Don't look at me! I look horrible!

Shopkeeper: Wait! Please!

Mother: Anastasia! How dare you defy me! You were forbidden to speak to this man!

Drizella: Oh, look at her! It's a disaster! We'll be the laughing stock of the entire town. You've embarrassed yourself quite enough with this foolishness.

Mother: Dear child, you know I only have your best interests at heart. You deserve better. Come along.

Anastasia: No, Mother! You're wrong! He's sweet.

Shopkeeper: She's wonderful.

Anastasia: He's romantic. And we are going to the ball together.

Mother: Drizella, come along.

Mother: Drizella!

Anastasia: Oh, thank you! I never dreamed I could be this happy.

Cinderella: You see? Dreams do come true.


1. Do

将do在此提出,同学们可能会笑,如此简单的do怎么还要拿出来说一说呢?先看下面这个例子:You do the door, and I do the window. 这句话如果在搞卫生、大扫除时说,那就可以理解为“你擦门,我擦窗户”,但是如果用在夜半行窃时却又成了“你撬门,我撬窗”。在“do the list”这个短语中,do 则是编排名单的意思。看来这个do并不是这么简单。


A. You're tired. I'll do the dishes afterwards.
B. I don't do drugs.
C. John does seafood dishes very well.

2. Laughing stock


3. Deserve

deserve 是用得相当多的单词之一,表示“应得到”、“值得”、也指“配得上”、“配得起”。
A. Good work deserves good pay.
B. You deserve all these things.
C. He certainly deserves to be sent to prison.
D. I want to wish you all the luck and happiness you deserve.


Everybody has a dream.
Sometimes it's like it never seems
That your wish will change to reality
When you feel you've had enough
Don't you think of giving up
There's no mountain you can 't climb
One step at a time
All that you needed was there all the time
And when you put it together it's magic
Put it together 'cause all you need is inside of you
So put it together




1. 这套公寓对我们很合适。
2. 虽然你配不上她,可她也许真的喜欢你。

Cinderella 2《灰姑娘》2 (精讲之五)考考你 参考答案

1. 他们低声辩论。
They debated it in whispers.

2. 我们可不可以以你的名义出这本书。
Could we publish the book in your name?

3. 你可以指望他帮忙。
You can count on him to help.
