
CLARE: I’ve been waiting all day for Henry. I’m so excited. I got my driver’s license yesterday, and Daddy said I could take the Fiat to Ruth’s party tonight. Mama doesn’t like this at all, but since Daddy has already said yes she can’t do much about it. I can hear them arguing in the library after dinner.
 “You could have asked me—”
 “It seemed harmless, Lucy....”
 I take my book and walk out to the Meadow. I lie down in the grass. The sun is beginning to set. It’s cool out here, and the grass is full of little white moths. The sky is pink and orange over the trees in the west, and an arc of deepening blue over me. I am thinking about going back to the house and getting a sweater when I hear someone walking through the grass. Sure enough, it’s Henry. He enters the clearing and sits down on the rock. I spy on him from the grass. He looks fairly young, early thirties maybe. He’s wearing the plain black T-shirt and jeans and hi-tops. He’s just sitting quietly, waiting. I can’t wait a minute longer, myself, and I jump up and startle him.
 “Jesus, Clare, don’t give the geezer a heart attack.”
 “You’re not a geezer.”
 Henry smiles. He’s funny about being old.
 “Kiss,” I demand, and he kisses me.
 “What was that for?” he asks.
 “I got my driver’s license!”
 Henry looks alarmed. “Oh, no. I mean, congratulations.”
 I smile at him; nothing he says can ruin my mood. “You’re just jealous.”
 “I am, in fact. I love to drive, and I never do.”
 “How come?”
 “Too dangerous.”
 “I mean for other people. Imagine what would happen if I was driving and I disappeared? The car would still be moving and kaboom! lots of dead people and blood. Not pretty.”
 I sit down on the rock next to Henry. He moves away. I ignore this. “I’m going to a party at Ruth’s tonight. Want to come?”
 He raises one eyebrow. This usually means he’s going to quote from a book I’ve never heard of or lecture me about something. Instead he only says, “But Clare, that would involve meeting a whole bunch of your friends.”
 “Why not? I’m tired of being all secretive about this.”
 “Let’s see. You’re sixteen. I’m thirty-two right now, only twice your age. I’m sure no one would even notice, and your parents would never hear about it.”
 I sigh. “Well, I have to go to this party. Come with and sit in the car and I won’t stay in very long and then we can go somewhere.”
HENRY: We park about a block away from Ruth’s house. I can hear the music all the way down here; it’s Talking Heads’ Once In A Lifetime. I actually kind of wish I could go with Clare, but it would be unwise. She hops out of the car and says, “Stay!” as though I am a large, disobedient dog, and totters off in her heels and short skirt toward Ruth’s. I slump down and wait.
CLARE: AS soon as I walk in the door I know this party is a mistake. 
  一九八七年六月五日,星期五 (克莱尔十六岁,亨利三十二岁)
  亨利:我们把车停在鲁思家旁边的一个街区外,从这里我能听到音乐声。那是①传声头(Talking Heads),20世纪70年代至90年代纽约朋克的四大重要支柱之一,它的曲风糅合了朋克摇滚、克里普芬克曲风、学院派知性主义,以及后来的世界音乐流的元素。的《一生只有一次》,我突然想和克莱尔一起去,但还是觉得不妥。她跳出车外,对我说:“乖乖地待在里面!”好像我是一条不安分的大狗。克莱尔穿着迷你裙踩着高跟鞋,身姿摇曳的向鲁思家走去。我倒向车后座,开始等待。