英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0330 - 4岁学编程,赢在起跑线?(在线收听

 Topic 1-Young woman sells eggs to buy iPhone7

A young woman sold 20 of her eggs for 25 thousand Yuan, and used the money to buy an iPhone 7.
The procedure is illegal and dangerous. How can we avoid such illegal practice?
Topic 2-Kids' coding courses popular in China
Private education institutions are offering coding courses for Chinese kids. Chinese parents who have a reputation of pushing their kids to study, will not let their kids be left behind with this new trend. One parent has sent his kid as young as 4 years old to attend a coding course.
Is it too early too young for kids to learn computer coding? Should coding be made available for primary school education?
Topic 3-7 Weird Things You Do, Explained By Science
Do you say yes to thing then not do them? Do you laugh at things that are really not funny?
Your brain has a lot to answer for.               