购物英语口语一本通 Unit8:买CD(在线收听

   Unit 8 Buying CDs

  第8课 买CD
  C: Excuse me, I'm looking for the Alanis Morrissette album Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie.
  顾客:对不起,我正在找艾拉尼斯·莫莉塞特的专辑Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie。
  S: Let's see.If we have it, it should be over there under M. ( He looks through the CDs. ) Hmm, it looks like we've sold out of that one, but we should be getting some more copies in soon.If you want, we can order it for you.
  C: That's okay, I'll just check back later. Do you have the new Sting album?
  S: Yes, it's right over here.
  C: Great. One last question. Where is your jazz section?
  S: Back there against that wall.
  C: Oh, I see it. Thanks for your help.
  S: No problem.
  1.album n. 专辑
  2.look through... 查看/检查……
  The customs officer looked through our bags.
  3.look like... 看起来好像是……
  It looks like it's going to rain
  4.sell out of... 卖光/完……
  The store has sold out of bread.
  5.copy n. (唱片、书籍、印刷物等的)一片/册/部/本
  6.order vt. 订购
  例:We ordered several books on line.
  7.right adv.就,恰恰,刚好(用于加强语气)
  例:The teacher wants to talk to you right now,