职场英文口语 第173期:应对技术支持(3)(在线收听

   Erm… it's Windows 7 on a PC. 个人电脑上的Windows 7

  Good, good, this should be easy. 很好,这样很简单。
  Were you using many applications when it crashed? 崩溃前你用的应用多吗?
  Applications? 应用?
  Did you have lots of things open – documents, spreadsheets, videos, other software? 你打开的东西多吗?如文件,表格,视频和其他软件?
  Well, I suppose I did. 我想是的。
  Right, well… Anna isn't it? -Yes. 好的,你是安娜吧?-是的。
  Right, well Anna, try pressing control, alt, delete, at the same time – after that try opening Windows again. 好的,安娜,试着同时按control,alt,delete键,之后重启Windows
  OK.Tom, could you open the windows please. 汤姆,你能打开窗户吗?
  What eh? The windows? ! 什么?窗户?
  Yes. Dave says so. 是的,戴夫这么说的。
  No, no, no. Open Windows 7 on your computer. 不,不,在你的电脑上打开Windows 7
  Oh, silly me! 我真蠢。
  No, the screen just freezes. 不行,屏幕还是死机的状态。
  I'm a bit worried because I think I've lost some documents. 我有点担心,因为我想我的文件没有了。
  Hmmm. In that case the only thing to do is reboot it. 这样的话,唯一要做的就是重启。
  Reboot it? You mean kick it? ! Reboot?你是说踢它?
  No! Reboot means turn it on and off again. 不,Reboot的意思是重启。
  Oh I see.No Dave, I have already tried turning it off and on again but that hasn't fixed it. 我懂了。不,戴夫,我已经重启了,但是不管用。