世界名人故事之演员明星 第5期:Vivien Leigh 费雯·丽(在线收听

   7 Vivien Leigh 7 费雯·丽

  Vivien Leigh was born Vivian Mary Hartley on the evening of Wednesday November 5th, 1913 in her parents’home in Darjeeling, India.  1913年11月5日星期三的傍晚,费雯·丽出生于父母印度大吉岭家中,取名为斐雯·玛丽·哈特丽。
  She moved to England with her family at the age of 6 in 1920. 1920年,在她6岁那年,随家迁往英格兰。
  On August 21st, 1934 she arrived at Lime Grove Studios to begin work on her first film, Things are Looking Up.  1934年8月21日,她来到莱姆格鲁富制片厂开始拍摄她的第一部影片《欣欣向荣》。
  During this period Vivien found a new favorite novel that she re-read several times - Gone with the Wind.  就在这期间,费雯·丽发现了一本心爱的小说,并反复阅读,这就是 《乱世佳人》。
  She even asked her agent to submit her name to the widely publicized search to find an actress for Scarlett.  因为当时制片厂正到处寻找饰演郝思佳的演员,她于是要求经纪人把她的名字填表寄出。
  After a remarkably well timed introduction to David O. Selznick by her Hollywood agent on December 10th, the first night of location shooting,  12月10曰她的好莱鸡经纪人看准时机,把她推荐给大卫·塞尔思尼克,第一晚在外景拍摄点,
  Vivien did screen tests for her dream role.  费雯·丽为她梦寐以求的角色试镜。
  Both Selznick and the film’s director George Cukor, were impressed by her talent and beauty. 塞尔思尼克和导演乔治·库克都为她的天赋与美貌所折服了。
  As soon as the filming was finished, Vivien did a screen test for the film, Rebecca.  电影刚拍摄完毕,费雯·丽便马上为电影《蝴蝶梦》试镜。
  She didn’t seem right for the part-qualities which made her ideal for Scarlett now made her unsuited for such a restrained role,  但她似乎并不适合这个角色,她的气质使她成为饰演郝思佳的理想人选,但对于这样一个内向的角色却并不合适。
  Vivien next was given the lead role in MGM’s Waterloo Bridge as part of her new Hollywood counter.  费雯·丽接受的第二个角色是米高梅公司《魂断蓝桥》的女主角,这也是她和好莱坞重新签约的一部分。
  Meanwhile, she prepared for the grand opening of GWTW in Atlanta.  同时,她为《乱世佳人》在亚特兰大的大型首映式做准备。
  It opened to great reviews and Vivien became the talk of the town.  影片引起巨大轰动,费雯·丽成为人尽皆知的人物,
  Right after Christmas, she began to work on Waterloo Bridge, taking ballet lessons for a scene early in the film, and voice lessons to improve her acting technique. 圣诞节刚过,她即投入《魂断蓝桥》的拍摄,并为影片初始的情节学习芭蕾舞,参加声音培训班以提高演技。
  In the summer of 1950, Vivien left England to return to Hollywood after nearly a decade absence,  1950年的夏天,经过十年的沉寂,费雯·丽离开了英格兰,来到好莱坞,
  and began work on the film version of A Street Car Named Desire.  开始拍摄电影《欲望号街车》。
  Shooting started August 14th and Warner Brothers paid Vivien $100,000 for her 3 months of work.  电影开拍于8月14日,华纳兄弟公司付给费雯·丽十万美元作为她3个月工作的报酬。
  Vivien purposely made herself look older and unflattering for the film using heavy makeup, wige and drastic lighting which would hide her still beautiful features.  在电影中费雯·丽为了真实,有意使自己显得衰老些。使用浓妆、假发和强烈的灯光来掩盖她仍然美丽的容貌。
  Audiences in the autumn of 1951 were stunned to see such a different person, barely recognizing the actress that played Scarlett so exquisitely a decade earlier.  1951年的秋天,观众惊讶地看见了一个完全不同的人物,几乎不能确认这就是十年前出色地扮演过郝思佳的演员。
  The resulting film in 1951 was still powerful, perhaps Vivien’s finest achievement, winning her a second best actress Oscar. 1951年的这部影片结果仍然造成轰动,也许是费雯·丽最成功的作品,为她再次赢得奥斯卡最佳女演员奖。