绿箭侠第一季 第304期:汤米安慰小朋友(在线收听

   My daughter is secure at her place? So far, all quiet... 我女儿在她住处还安全吗?目前来说是,没有异常

  All right, let me know if there is any movement.  要是有动作就告诉我
  I'm heading over there right now.  我现在就过去
  What did you steal this time?  你这次偷了什么
  You got a minute? No. It's about the Hood. 你有时间吗?没。是有关帽衫侠的事。
  When my men found you on that subway car after you were kidnapped,  你被绑架后,我的人地铁上发现你时
  you told them you didn't know anything about the vigilante.  你说你不知道治安维持者的事
  So there's something you forgot to tell them?  你有什么忘说了吗
  No. I just want to see him brought to justice like everyone else.  没有。我只是像大家一样想看他被绳之于法。
  Don't worry, kid. We'll get him. Just keep making sure I don't have a reason to get you. 别担心,孩子,我们会抓住他的。可别给个理由让我抓你。
  Taylor? Sweetheart? Are you hungry? 泰勒?亲爱的?你饿了吗?
  You know, I make the world's best macaroni and cheese.  我做奶酪通心粉一绝哦
  It's the only thing she knows how to make.  她只会做这个
  I miss my mom and dad.  我想爸爸妈妈
  When I was your age, my mom tucked me into bed that night before going out.  我像你这个年龄时,我妈在出门前给我掖好被子
  Then the next thing I knew, there was a police officer at my door.  接下来就是警察来了
  He said that she was gone and that I would never see her again. But you know what? He was wrong. 他说她走了,我再也见不到她了,但你知道吗?他错了
  You saw her?  你见到她了
  Every time I close my eyes, I can see her. Every time I go to bed, I see her in my dreams. 我每闭上眼,就能见到她。每晚入睡,都在梦乡中见到她
  Really? Yeah. Now try it, close your eyes. I see them. 真的吗?嗯。试试,闭上眼。我看到他们了。
  Whenever you are sad, or scared, just remember that they will always be there.  你伤心或难过的时候,记住他们都会在你身边
  You constantly surprise me, Merlyn. I'll get it. 你总是给我惊喜,梅林。我去开。