打工姐妹花第一季 第255期:骑马遇警官(在线收听

   You two look like two princesses in a fairy tale. 你们俩就像童话里的两位公主

  Are you feeling safe? 你怕不怕
  I couldn't feel any safer if we were riding a rubber into town. 如果我们骑的是塑胶小马,我就不怕
  Here we go. Bye, guys. Bye. Go, Chestnut! 那我们走啦,再见,各位。再见,走吧,栗宝。
  Oh, check it out. You see what I see? 快看,你也看见了吧
  Hello, officers. We're on way to the ball down the street, 你好,警官大人。我们在去舞会的路上
  and we were wondering if we could please leave our horse with your horses? 我们想问能不能请你们帮我看一下马
  And I can save you the time on the breathalyzer test; 你们也不必浪费时间做酒精浓度测试
  No, we are not drunk or on some bachelorette party scavenger hunt. 我们没喝醉,也没在玩未婚女子派对的寻宝游戏。
  Our car broke down in Brooklyn, so we rode over the Brooklyn bridge and up. 我们的车在布鲁克林坏了,我们是从布鲁克林大桥骑过来的。
  You rode a horse across the Brooklyn bridge? That's badass. 你骑着马在布鲁克林大桥上跑啊。真是酷毙了
  Yes... And illegal. 没错,同时也违法了
  In that case, we took the tunnel. 其实我们走的是隧道
  Well, I think we can help you two ladies. 没问题,我们可以帮忙
  Not gonna happen, Dave. We're on duty. 不可能,戴夫,我们在值班呢
  Officers, we're already a little late. 警官大人,我们已经迟到了
  And with all due respect, we don't have time to play good cop, bad cop. 恕我直言,我们真没时间玩好警察坏警察的游戏
  Or in your cases, hot cop, hot cop. 不过你们俩是,帅警察超帅警察
  Well, I think we can help you ladies. Let's get you down off of there. 没问题,我们可以帮忙。先扶你们俩下来吧。
  I got the one in the low-cut. 裙子低胸那个我来扶
  Thanks officer hot and officer hotter. 谢谢帅警官和超帅警官
  You know I'm officer hotter, right? 你知道超帅警官说的是我吧
  Oh, come on, man. Have you seen me in my sunglasses? No contest. 拜托,你见过哥戴墨镜的帅样吗?赢你几条街。