职场英文口语 第215期:提供求职建议(4)(在线收听

   Oh well, in that case… shall we all gather round and officially say goodbye to Denise. 这样的话,我们聚到一起和丹尼斯正式道别吧。

  It's an emotional day for Denise, but Anna has been really useful with her career advice. 对丹尼斯来说,今天是伤感的一天。但安娜给了她很多有用的职业建议。
  If a professional career advisor is not available, giving some of your own advice can sometimes be useful. 假如没有职业顾问,给出一些自身的建议有时也很有用。
  Let's hear again what Anna suggested… 一起回顾下安娜提出的建议吧。
  You need to think positively. 你应该乐观看待问题。
  Try looking in the job section of the newspaper. 试着在报纸上找找工作。
  There are loads of job-finding websites you could sign up for. 有很多求职网站,你可以注册试试。
  What about ringing some of the people you know? 给你认识的人打电话问问。
  You could register with a recruitment agency. 你也可以去招聘机构注册。
  OK everyone, the time has come to say farewell to Denise. 好了,大家该向丹尼斯道别了。
  It's with regret we've had to let her go.We? You, Paul. 让她离开,我们感到很遗憾。我们?保罗,是你自己。
  Thank you for all your hard work and we wish you very well in the future. 谢谢你的辛勤工作,希望你未来安好。