绿箭侠第一季 第322期:酒吧里谈心(在线收听

   Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine. 大千世界里有那么多酒吧,她偏偏来我家了。

  This coffee's terrible, Oliver.  这咖啡真难喝,奥利弗。
  That's what you get for ordering coffee in a bar.  这就是你在酒吧点咖啡的结果
  You look tired. Too much work? 你看起来很累。工作太多吗?
  Too much crying. Tommy broke up with me. 太伤心了。汤米和我分手了。
  What happened? I have no idea. 发生了什么事?我也不知道。
  Things were good. They were...  一切都很好,都...
  great, and then suddenly he's packing up his things and telling me that it's over.  非常好,突然他就收拾好自己的东西,告诉我都结束了。
  Did he say anything to you?  他跟你说过什么吗?
  No. Tommy and I haven't talked very much since he quit.  没有,汤米辞职后我们很少说话
  But he'll come around. It's probably just cold feet. 但他会回来的。可能他只是害怕了。
  Like it was with you.  就像你那时一样
  Oliver, you don't sleep with your girlfriend's sister unless you're looking to blow the relationship up. 奥利弗,要是你不想搞砸这段感情,是肯定不会和女朋友的妹妹上床。
  If you still want to be with Tommy, do what we should have done. 如果你还想和汤米在一起,做我们本来应该做的。
  Talk to each other and be honest. 互相倾诉,而且要诚实。
  Oliver, I need to show you what-- I just totally walked in on a thing, didn't I? 奥利弗,你得来看看...我打扰到你们了,是吧?
  I'm sorry, uh, who are you?  不好意思,你是哪位
  Nobody. I mean, I'm not nobody. I'm someone, obviously. 谁都不是,不是说我没有身份。我显然是有名字的。
  And so are you. You're Laurel, right? That Laurel. Gorgeous Laurel. 你也一样,你是劳蕾尔对吧?那位特殊的漂亮的劳蕾尔
  This is Felicity. She's setting up my internet.  这是费利西蒂,她在帮我调试网络
  Router. And I need to show Oliver something very important related to it. 是路由器,我得给奥利弗看个非常重要的东西。
  I'll let you go, then. Thank you for the coffee... and the advice. 那你去吧。谢谢你的咖啡,还有建议。