职场英文口语 第216期:忙碌时接听电话(1)(在线收听

   Has anyone seen the stapler?I can't find any pens.Oh, here it is. 谁有订书机?我找不到一根笔。给你。

  Will someone answer that phone? 能不能有人接一下电话?
  Hello again and welcome back to English at Work. 大家好,欢迎回到职场英语。
  The offices of Tip Top Trading have become chaotic since Denise left and just at a time when things are getting busy. 自丹尼斯走后,Tip Top Trading变得一团乱,这正是公司忙碌的时候。
  How is everyone going to cope? Let's find out.Hello. 大家将如何应对呢?一起寻找答案吧。你好。
  Yes? It is. Yes. We're very busy at the moment so call back later. Bye. 什么事?是的。我们现在很忙,一会儿再打吧。拜。
  That was a bit rude Tom. 太没礼貌了,汤姆。
  Well we're too busy to be nice. 我们太忙了,哪有时间友好。
  Hmm. Not a good attitude Tom. 态度不好啊,汤姆。
  Even when you are busy at work it's important to be polite on the phone. 即使你忙于工作,打电话时也要有礼貌。
  It could be a potential customer. 对方可能是潜在客户呢?
  Anna, I think you're going to have to remind Tom about this. 安娜,我觉得你有必要提醒汤姆这点。
  Yes, I think so. 是的,我也是这么认为。