儿童英语读物 The Mystery of the Star Ruby CHAPTER 5 The Figure in White(在线收听

The next morning, the kids met outside Violet and Jessie’s cabin to discuss the mystery.

“My backpack is the same as Jessie’s,” Violet said. “Suppose the person took Jessie’s accidentally?”

Henry nodded. “That makes sense. The person could have been after yours. What was in your backpack that wasn’t in Jessie’s?”

“The ruby!” Benny said instantly.

Violet’s eyes widened. “They must have been after the Mama Bear ruby I found. But why? It’s not that big—Donald Hodge has a Papa Bear ruby that’s much bigger than mine.”

“We don’t know why yet,” said Jessie. “But we might be able to figure out who.Let’s look for footprints.”

Although the ground around the girls’ cabin was muddy, it had rained again early that morning. If there had been footprints, they had washed away.

“Oh, well,” Henry said practically. “We’ve never solved a mystery before breakfast.”

The kids found Grandfather in the lobby of the main building, talking to Donald. They all went into the dining room.

Jonathan and Sybil were already seated and had the local newspaper spread out on their table.

“What’s in the news?” Grandfather asked, sitting down.

“Last night’s storm did a lot of damage to the town near here,” Jonathan replied. “High winds blew a tree over on the public library.”

Henry was reading over Jonathan’s shoulder. “The tree hit the roof of the children’s room. The rain soaked all the books.”

“That’s terrible,” said Jessie, who loved to read. If the books in the library back home in Greenfield were ruined, she would feel awful.

Everyone discussed the storm over a breakfast of French toast, sausage, and scrambled eggs.

Rolling up the sleeves of her men’s work shirt, Sybil declared, “It’s going to be hot today. We’d better hit the flume early.”

“How about if we go creekin’, instead?” Jonathan suggested.

“What’s that?” Benny asked.

“Instead of buying buckets of pre-spaded dirt, you can dig at a special place right in the stream,” Jonathan explained. “It’s fun. Want to come?”

“Yeah!” the Alden kids chorused.

“I think I’ll stay on the flume line,” Grandfather decided.

“Me, too,” said Donald. “I stand a better chance of finding good stones by panning. Though so far nobody has challenged my Papa Bear ruby. If no one does, I’ll be driving that new convertible sports car, after all.”

“You’re selling your ruby to buy a sports car?” asked Henry.

Donald nodded.

“The contest prize money will be the down payment.” He stood, jamming his hands in his pockets. “Coming, Sybil?”

“I believe I’ll go with Jonathan and the kids,” said Sybil. “Maybe I’ll find a star ruby in the creek. It’ll be cooler there, anyway.”

After paying their entry fees, the Alden children, Sybil, and Jonathan took the trail down to the stream where digging was allowed.

Jonathan opened a small shed and brought out spades, buckets, and mesh trays.

Sybil put on her straw hat and waved her spade. “I’m going over there,” she said. “Bet I find the biggest stone!”

“We’ll go below those boulders,” Jonathan told the Aldens. “Rubies and sapphires are heavy stones. They are more likely to collect behind big rocks than wash downstream.”

They sat down on the grassy bank and removed their shoes and socks. Then, with squeals and shrieks, they waded into the rushing stream.

“This water is cold,”Jonathan exclaimed.

“We found that out yesterday,” said Jessie. She almost added that when they went wading yesterday, someone stole her backpack.

But then she recalled the scrap of cloth. Suppose Jonathan had taken her pack. He did mention at dinner that he had changed his shirt.

“Don’t dig big holes,” Jonathan instructed. “Fill your buckets about half full, then rinse in the trays just like you do on the flume line. Remember, rubies and sapphires are dense and will settle in the bottom of your tray.”

“Maybe one of us will find a star ruby,” said Violet.

Jonathan nodded. “Maybe, Violet. You never know.”

Cecil Knight came halfway down the trail. “I forgot to give you the key to the shed,” he called to Jonathan.

“It’s okay,” Jonathan called back. “The shed was unlocked.”

Henry wondered if Cecil Knight normally left the equipment shed unlocked overnight. But he forgot his concern as he got to work.

Benny liked digging in the creek. He filled his bucket quickly, then began rinsing and sorting.

“I have lots of pretty rocks,” he said to Jonathan. “But I don’t know if anything is good.”

Jonathan pulled a dark red stone from his shirt pocket. “I brought this old garnet to test with.” He picked a pinkish stone from Benny’s tray and rubbed it across the surface of the garnet.

“It didn’t leave a mark,” Benny said, watching closely.

Henry came over. “That’s because the garnet is harder than your stone, Benny. If you had found a ruby, it would have scratched the garnet.”

“Henry’s right,” said Jonathan. “Gem-stones are rated by hardness. A diamond is at the top of the scale since it is the hardest stone. The softest stone, talc, is at the bottom. Any stone scratches talc, but only another diamond can scratch a diamond.”

“I read about that in the museum,” Henry said. “Rubies and sapphires are just below diamonds on the hardness scale.”

Benny was confused with all this discussion. “So what did I find?”

“Rose quartz,” Jonathan said.

“That’s a nice stone,” Jessie told her little brother.

“Yeah, but we can’t win the contest with it,” Benny said, disappointed.

Jonathan scooped ore into his tray. “I was hoping to find something really unusual for my fiancée’s ring. So far, I haven’t had much luck, either.”

Henry straightened up from digging. He thought he saw a shadow among the pine trees along the trail. Something flashed in the bright sun. A mirror? Who would be shining a mirror up there? Had Cecil come back?

Just then Benny cried, “Hey! I found something really good this time!”

Jonathan examined Benny’s find. “Hmmm. This does look interesting.”

The others stopped working and came over.

“What is it?” asked Violet. “Let’s check the hardness.”

Jonathan rubbed Benny’s stone against his garnet. “Oops!”

He dropped Benny’s stone, which fell with a plop into the creek.

“My rock!” Benny fished around in the water.

Everyone searched along the bottom, but Benny’s stone was gone.

“I’m sorry, Benny,” Jonathan apologized. “My fingers were wet. Your rock just slipped.”

“It’s okay,” said Benny.

The kids all went back to digging and rinsing. Soon their collection bucket had several small sapphires and pinkish garnets Jonathan said were rhodolite garnets.

“I think it’s time to break for lunch,” Jonathan said. He called to Sybil, “Time to eat!”

Sybil waded over. “I hope you kids had better luck than I did.” She rattled her plastic container. “I found a few sapphires, but nothing bigger than a grain of rice.”

“We found sapphires, too,” said Jessie.

Just as Jessie stooped to pick up their collection bucket, Sybil’s foot flew out and knocked it over.

“Our rocks!” Benny plunged his hands to the creek bottom, but the stones were swirling downstream.

“I’m so sorry!” Sybil said. “I just lost my balance. I can’t believe how clumsy I am.”

Jessie couldn’t believe it, either. Sybil hadn’t lost her balance. She had kicked the bucket over. It was definitely no accident.

Sybil and Jonathan walked ahead of the Alden children on the way to the restaurant.

“Something funny is going on here,” Jessie said. “Sybil deliberately made us lose our stones. But why?”

“Maybe she was jealous because she didn’t find anything good,” Benny said. Then he had a thought. “What about Jonathan? Do you think he dropped my rock accidently on purpose, too?”

“I don’t know what is going on around here,” said Henry. “But something is weird. While we were digging, I saw somebody in the trees.” He described the flashing in the sun.

“It could have been a mirror,” said Violet. “But it may have been binoculars. Or a camera. Those are both shiny.”

Jessie nodded. “If the flash was a mirror, somebody could be signaling. If it was binoculars, somebody was spying on us. And if it was a camera, somebody took our picture.”

“No matter what it was,” Henry concluded, “someone is up to no good.”

That night after dinner, the kids got together in Benny and Henry’s cabin to discuss the mystery.

Jessie, who was very organized, wrote down the strange things that had happened.

“One,” she said, “somebody took my backpack and returned it to our cabin. Two, Sybil and Jonathan both made us lose our stones in the creek. Three, somebody may have been taking our picture or spying on us.”

“Why?” asked Violet. “None of this makes any sense.”

Henry went to the window. “Do you hear that?”

Over the chirping of crickets came a faint, steady chipping noise.

“It sounds like digging,” said Benny.

They all stared out into the darkness.

“There!” Henry pointed down the hill.

A figure in white flitted around the waterwheel.

“Is somebody down there digging?” Benny asked.

“Who would be working on the flume line after dark?” Jessie wondered aloud.

Violet answered. “Somebody who doesn’t want to be seen during the day.”
