2014年CRI 韩美就分摊防卫费达成一致 伊朗坚持使用离心机的权力(在线收听


South Korea and the United States have reached a final agreement to share annual defense costs for the 28, 500 U.S. troops stationed in South Korea over the next five years.

South Korea agreed to pay 920 billion won (870 million U.S. dollars) in 2014 for the USFK presence costs,

up 5.8 percent from last year's 869.5 billion won.

The agreement will be effective over the next five years through 2018.

Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran Ali-Akbar Salehi says

carrying out researches and using advanced centrifuges are indispensable right of Iran.

Salehi's remarks were a response to the reported disagreements between Iran and the world powers

in recent nuclear talks on implementing the landmark nuclear deal on the country's controversial nuclear program

as Tehran has announced that it will continue researches on the new generations of the centrifuges.

He said Iran's advanced home-made centrifuges have been a bone of contention in last week's talks between the Iranian and European Union (EU) negotiators.

Salehi expressed the confidence that Iran and the P5+1 Group would eventually reach an agreement on this issue.

South Korea and the United States have reached a final agreement to share annual defense costs for the 28, 500 U.S. troops stationed in South Korea over the next five years.

South Korea agreed to pay 920 billion won (870 million U.S. dollars) in 2014 for the USFK presence costs, up 5.8 percent from last year's 869.5 billion won. The agreement will be effective over the next five years through 2018.

Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran Ali-Akbar Salehi says carrying out researches and using advanced centrifuges are indispensable right of Iran.

Salehi's remarks were a response to the reported disagreements between Iran and the world powers in recent nuclear talks on implementing the landmark nuclear deal on the country's controversial nuclear program as Tehran has announced that it will continue researches on the new generations of the centrifuges.

He said Iran's advanced home-made centrifuges have been a bone of contention in last week's talks between the Iranian and European Union (EU) negotiators.

Salehi expressed the confidence that Iran and the P5+1 Group would eventually reach an agreement on this issue.
