2014年CRI 外交部副部长就奥巴马会见达赖向美方提出严正交涉(在线收听


Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Yesui has summoned Daniel Kritenbrink, charge d'affaires of U.S. embassy in China, to lodge solemn representations for U.S. President Barack Obama's meeting with the Dalai Lama regardless of China's strong opposition.

According to Zhang, such a wrong move gravely interfered in China's internal affairs, seriously violated the U.S. commitment of not supporting the "Tibet independence", gravely violated basic norms governing the international relations, and seriously undermined the China-U.S. relations.

China expresses strong indignation and firm opposition.

He stresses the Tibetan issue is the domestic affair of China and the United States bears no right to interfere.

Chinese President Xi Jinping has met French Foreign Affairs Minister Laurent Fabius in Beijing, pledging closer bilateral relations as the two countries celebrate 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties this year.

Xi Jinping said he attached great importance to the China-France ties, looking forward to meeting with Hollande in the near future.

He called on both countries to summarize and learn from the successful experience and rules of the development of China-France ties so as to forge ahead with the ties in the new era.
