2014年CRI 乌克兰总统与反对派签署和解协议 索马里青年党袭击总统府(在线收听


The Ukrainian president and opposition leaders have signed an agreement to end the country's political crisis, which has left dozens of people dead and hundreds of others injured.

The presidential press office says in a statement that the agreement envisages constitutional changes to reduce the president's power, formation of a national unity government and early presidential elections.

The agreement follows overnight meetings involving President Viktor Yanukovych and opposition leaders along with the foreign ministers of Poland, France and Germany, and the chairman of Russia's Human Rights Commission.

The president made concessions to the opposition in a bid to avoid further bloodshed and casualties among the demonstrators and police officers.

The United States has "strongly" condemned an attack by militant group al-Shabaab against Somalia's presidential palace in Mogadishu.

Twelve people, including nine attackers and three people on the government side, were killed in the attack on Friday. The al-Qaida linked al-Shabaab has recently increased it attacks on Somali government targets and the African Union Mission in Somalia.
